Welcome to TBR Etc., a book recommendation blog.

Talking all things books and reading. Easily distracted by new releases.

TBR & TBD | New and Noteworthy January 2017

TBR & TBD | New and Noteworthy January 2017

Welcome to a brand new year! I ended 2016 by reading 55 books- a new personal best. I didn't have a plan for my reading in 2016 and ended up reading 20 books released in 2016. New releases tend to be my favorite, but my reading goal for 2017 is to diversify my reading. I'm going to try to follow Sugar Pop's Reading Challenge as well as Modern Mrs. Darcy's. I love a good list! 

Clearly, I'm not going to give up on reading new releases completely in the new year- hence the continuation of the TBR and TBD posts. The heart wants what it wants. 

the heart wants what it wants.gif

TBR 1- The Girl Before | J.P. Delaney | Release Date 24th, 2017

Why. Why do publishers insist on comparing everything to the next "Gone Girl" or "Girl on the Train", and why do authors insist on putting "girl" in their title? Because people like me continue to read and talk about them? Oh... alright then. 

The Girl Before is a psychological thriller by J.P. Delaney. Delaney is a pseudonym used by a best-selling writer who published fiction under another name. All I know about this book is that two women have the opportunity to move into a beautiful, state of the art minimalist home with a dark past. Only one condition: in order to be approved to move in have to meet every one of the architect's many many criteria and have to be interviewed by the architect himself. It's already being made into a movie directed by Ron Howard, which is interesting to me. There are mixed advanced reviews, so we'll see if this one holds up to the other "girls".

TBR 2: Everything You Want Me to Be | Mindy Mejia | January 3rd, 2017

To be honest, I came across Everything You Want Me to Be  when researching new releases for this post and the cover caught my attention right away. I don't know that I've ever actually knowingly chosen a book by its cover, but 'a book you chose because of its cover' is a category in the Modern Mrs Darcy's Reading Challenge, so here we are. 

Small town, a girl placed under undue pressure to be perfect. Murder. It sounds like this one has the making of a very interesting page turner. It goes back through the events that lead up to the murder told from the point of view of three different people. It sounds like it'll be fast paced and a story that sticks with you, so I think I'm most excited to read the one. 

TBD: The Breakdown | B.A. Paris | Release Date: January 26th, 2017

The Breakdown is a Sophomore novel from B.A. Paris.  Like many people, I'm always interested to see if an author's follow up novel lives up to the hype of the first. I am still waiting for my hold on Behind Closed Doors to be available at my library, but it seemed pretty polarizing on Goodreads so I'm excited to see how I like it. The Breakdown is about a woman who is experiencing early onset dementia who bears witness to a crime. She feels guilty that she couldn't do more to stop it and is afraid that she'll be the next victim because she was a witness. The book description that is available is sparse, but the early reviews are good. An unreliable narrator and a psychological thriller.... if done well, this should prove to be a very good 2nd novel for the author. 

New year- more new books! What are you excited to read in 2017?

Best books (I read) in 2016

Quick Lit | September 2016

Quick Lit | September 2016