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TBR & TBD | New and Noteworthy March 2017

TBR & TBD | New and Noteworthy March 2017

March 17 TBR and TBD.png

I'm a little late this month, but there were still a couple of books that came out that I wanted to talk about in TBR & TBD.  Here, I write about books that I'm definitely adding to my To Be Read (TBR) list, and 1 that is To Be Determined (TBD) if it's worth adding. 

TBr 1 | The Widow's House | Carol Goodman | Release Date: March 7th, 2017

The Widow's House's publishers did a good job of making this book's synopsis stand out by making comparisons to other dark and twisty popular books (bonus points for staying away from the overused cliche, 'the next insert here'). This is said to blend the gothic darkness of Daphne DuMaurier's Rebecca with the twisty contemporary dark thrills of A.S.A. Harrington's The Silent Wife. Jess and Clare Martin need a change. Their lives in Brooklyn are getting stale, so they accept a job as caretaker's of their old professor's house in the Hudson Valley. They're hoping this will be a fresh start for their relationship and careers, but apparently are faced with a lot more than that in the Riven House. I do love a good thriller, so I'm adding this one to my list! 

TBR 2 | Ill Will | Dan Chaon | Release Date: March 7th, 2017

Ill Will is a psychological thriller that toes the line between mystery, thriller, and crime. Dustin Tillman is a psychologist with a private practice who occasionally works in forensics. He has his own experience with psychology and the law- his adopted brother, Rusty, has been released from prison. Rusty was put there thirty years ago after being found guilty of murdering Dustin's parents, aunt, and uncle. One of his clients inspires him to dig deeper into what happened so many years ago, despite the personal and professional ramifications that might come along with it. I did receive this as an ARC from NetGalley and am frantically trying to finish before its release! It sounds like it is definitely a murder mystery with a strong protagonist that evolves as the case becomes unraveled. I'm in. 

TBR 3 | The Stranger in the Woods : The Extraordinary Life of the Last True Hermit | Michael Finkel | Release Date: March 7th, 2017

The Stranger in the Woods tells the true story of Christopher Knight (not the actor), a man who truly went off the grid 30 years ago and ended up being a hermit, living off the land and not speaking to anyone for three decades. I first heard about this story when my favorite podcast, Sword and Scale, spoke about him in their hermits episode in  episode 77.  Unlike the world's most famous hermit, Ted Kaczynski, the only crimes Knight committed were petty theft. The book goes into detail about the who, what, why, and how of this incredible story and gets most of the information from interviews with the man himself. If you're a crime buff or even someone who has often thought about what it would take to completely disappear, you might like this one. 

TBD | The Wanderers | Meg Howrey | Release Date: March 14th, 2017

The Wanderers is the book I'm the most excited to pick up this month. It's been described as "The Martian" meets "Station Eleven". I really enjoyed both of those books, so I have high hopes for this one. Three astronauts get chosen to be a part of the most realistic trip to Mars, ever, told from the points of view of the astronauts, those on the ground, and their families. If all goes well, these steps will pave the way to getting people to live on Mars. I'll be curious to see how one would blend The Martian with Station Eleven, so I have to track this one down and read it myself before recommending it. 

That's all for March! What would you be thrilled to get your hands on this month?

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Quick Lit | March 2017

Quick Lit | March 2017

Review: Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough