Welcome to TBR Etc., a book recommendation blog.

Talking all things books and reading. Easily distracted by new releases.

Weekend Reads | Links I Love for Week 33 | 8.18.18

Weekend Reads | Links I Love for Week 33 | 8.18.18

Weekend Reads | Week 33 | TBR Etc.

Podcast recommendation of the week- My Favorite Murder. I listened to a couple of episodes last year and liked it, but for some reason they fell off my radar. Then this article came out and I restored the series from the beginning. I love to see how far they've come. Maybe I'll be caught up by the time their book comes out in May 2019. Any other murderinos out there? 

I really want to up my jewelry game. I have a couple of necklaces that I regularly wear, but I'd like more earrings and bracelets. I've been loving browsing Indie and Harper's website- I have this ring on my list. If you're into jewelry, what are your favorite shops? 

Finally, I did something I've never done before yesterday- went to a movie by myself! I had a couple of hours to kill and have been so excited about the movie adaptations of Crazy Rich Asians so I ran out to see it. It was so well done- great casting, beautiful costumes and setting, and of course the story itself. Loved seeing so many actors of color on the screen! There were a couple of differences between the book and the movie- see all of the major ones, here.

Also, the actress who plays Astrid might be one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. Happy weekend, everyone! 

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Weekend Reading | Links I Love for Week 34 | 8.25.18

Weekend Reading | Links I Love for Week 34 | 8.25.18

Quick Lit | August 2018

Quick Lit | August 2018